7 Stages of Life, by Ariana May
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‘7 Stages of Life’ from the piano composition album ‘First Love’ by Ariana May. The album of piano compositions: ‘First Love’, charts an emotional voyage through the depths of the heart. The album possesses a combination of nostalgic, poignant and optimistic pieces that each reflect different stages of a relationship and, on a deeper level, of our mercurial emotions as we experience the elasticity and unpredictability of life. Ariana May is a British singer-songwriter whose classical training in piano and singing from an early age has culminated in a deep love of composing and performing. ‘First Love’ album released 8 February 2022.
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A Very Spectrum Christmas, by Thomas A. Christie. (Part 1) Introduction.
Excerpts from A Very Spectrum Christmas, by Thomas A. Christie. (Part 1) Introduction. Throughout the 1980s, thousands of British children were lucky enough to discover a Sinclair ZX Spectrum under their Christmas trees and soon found their eyes opened to a virtual world of wonder. But Santa Claus did more than deliver computers — sometimes he appeared on them, too. This book delves into the Spectrum’s extraordinary pantheon of seasonal games: the good, the bad, the surprising, the unabashedly surreal and the occasionally rather tenuous. "A Very Spectrum Christmas" is Copyright ©2021 Thomas A. Christie, all rights reserved, and is published by Extremis Publishing Ltd. This title is available as a physical book from www.extremispublishing.com and all good online retailers and independent booksellers worldwide.
A Very Spectrum Christmas, by Thomas A. Christie. (Part 1) Introduction.
Excerpts from A Very Spectrum Christmas, by Thomas A. Christie. (Part 1) Introduction. Throughout the 1980s, thousands of British children were lucky enough to discover a Sinclair ZX Spectrum under their Christmas trees and soon found their eyes opened to a virtual world of wonder. But Santa Claus did more than deliver computers — sometimes he appeared on them, too. This book delves into the Spectrum’s extraordinary pantheon of seasonal games: the good, the bad, the surprising, the unabashedly surreal and the occasionally rather tenuous. "A Very Spectrum Christmas" is Copyright ©2021 Thomas A. Christie, all rights reserved, and is published by Extremis Publishing Ltd. This title is available as a physical book from www.extremispublishing.com and all good online retailers and independent booksellers worldwide.