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Excerpts from The Robin Hood 500 Route (Part 1)
In this section: IntroductionExcerpts from "The Robin Hood 500 Route" by Neil HallamIn this book, Robin Hood enthusiast Neil Hallam invites you to join him on the trip of a lifetime as he travels around some of the most scenic locations in England searching for the facts behind this famous yet inscrutable outlaw. His travels take him far beyond busy Nottingham and Sherwood Forest to the village of Robin Hood, the bucolic hamlet of Loxley, charming Whitby and the beautiful Robin Hood’s Bay, via a plethora of caves, coves, churches, crags and castles just waiting to be discovered along the way. Drawing on historical research, national folklore and local legend, Neil pieces together a fascinating and entertaining tapestry of swashbuckling adventures, intriguing mysteries and ancient curiosities which will make you want to visit each and every amazing location for yourself."The Robin Hood 500 Route" is Copyright ©2023 Neil Hallam, all rights reserved, and is published by Extremis Publishing Ltd.The Official Robin Hood 500 Route Website can be found at: title is available as a physical book from and all good online retailers and independent booksellers worldwide.
Dylan Pilgrim - IDO Junior Hip Hop World Champion 2018
Dylan Pilgrim is an 18-year-old Hip Hop dancer and choreographer at The Movement Initiative dance company from Portsmouth. He has competed internationally and achieved World Championship and European Championship titles for his talent. From 2017 to 2019 he achieved roughly nine 1st place titles. Dylan has become World Champion for Junior Male Hip Hop solos 2 years in a row and 1 European championship title in solos as well. He is also world champion in 2 different teams from The Movement Initiative – YDC back in 2017 and 2018 and currently DCC are reigning Champions from 2019. In 2019, Dylan was asked to travel to Slovakia to teach at 2 different summer camps for a week. The ages of groups he was asked to teach ranged from young kids to teenagers to adults and he taught many different styles. Because of all his achievements, he is well respected and well recognised in the dance industry as he should be!
Excerpts from The Robin Hood 500 Route (Part 1)
In this section: IntroductionExcerpts from "The Robin Hood 500 Route" by Neil HallamIn this book, Robin Hood enthusiast Neil Hallam invites you to join him on the trip of a lifetime as he travels around some of the most scenic locations in England searching for the facts behind this famous yet inscrutable outlaw. His travels take him far beyond busy Nottingham and Sherwood Forest to the village of Robin Hood, the bucolic hamlet of Loxley, charming Whitby and the beautiful Robin Hood’s Bay, via a plethora of caves, coves, churches, crags and castles just waiting to be discovered along the way. Drawing on historical research, national folklore and local legend, Neil pieces together a fascinating and entertaining tapestry of swashbuckling adventures, intriguing mysteries and ancient curiosities which will make you want to visit each and every amazing location for yourself."The Robin Hood 500 Route" is Copyright ©2023 Neil Hallam, all rights reserved, and is published by Extremis Publishing Ltd.The Official Robin Hood 500 Route Website can be found at: title is available as a physical book from and all good online retailers and independent booksellers worldwide.
Dylan Pilgrim - IDO Junior Hip Hop World Champion 2018
Dylan Pilgrim is an 18-year-old Hip Hop dancer and choreographer at The Movement Initiative dance company from Portsmouth. He has competed internationally and achieved World Championship and European Championship titles for his talent. From 2017 to 2019 he achieved roughly nine 1st place titles. Dylan has become World Champion for Junior Male Hip Hop solos 2 years in a row and 1 European championship title in solos as well. He is also world champion in 2 different teams from The Movement Initiative – YDC back in 2017 and 2018 and currently DCC are reigning Champions from 2019. In 2019, Dylan was asked to travel to Slovakia to teach at 2 different summer camps for a week. The ages of groups he was asked to teach ranged from young kids to teenagers to adults and he taught many different styles. Because of all his achievements, he is well respected and well recognised in the dance industry as he should be!