LaMusicaRompeFronteras - Flashmob de Mariachi en España
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Disfruta este suceso único, de Jalisco para el Mundo, que se llevó acabo en La Plaza Mayor de Madrid, España. En la realización de este evento, participaron 11 integrantes del Mariachi Real de México, 23 Músicos de la Film Symphony Orchestra, la sección de metales y el director musical de Alejandro Fernandez, Nando Hernández quien hizo los arreglos y adaptaciones de las dos piezas que se interpretaron.
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Scottish Traditions of Halloween: The Extremis Publishing Podcast
Author Robert Murray drops in for a spirited discussion about the history of Halloween, and the various ways in which Scottish culture - and a certain poet named Robert Burns - helped to shape the modern day customs which surround the season. This podcast is Copyright © Extremis Publishing Ltd., all rights reserved.
Scottish Traditions of Halloween: The Extremis Publishing Podcast
Author Robert Murray drops in for a spirited discussion about the history of Halloween, and the various ways in which Scottish culture - and a certain poet named Robert Burns - helped to shape the modern day customs which surround the season. This podcast is Copyright © Extremis Publishing Ltd., all rights reserved.