Lockdown - Shaun Gibson (Original Song)
997 votes
Lockdown Lyrics/Melody/Production: Shaun Gibson Filmed by: Shaun Gibson using a tripod and selfie stick ? Editing: Joshua Ping
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Walk Of Life - WesLi D
WALK OF LIFE from artist WesLi ‘Walk of Life’ is an enjoyable and upbeat track by WesLi D that presents themes of time and personal growth. The artist reflects on taking time to search and find himself throughout his journey in life as well as not letting his dreams pass him by. This track is relatable for the listener as it describes the growth and changes of a person travelling through life to figure themselves out.
Walk Of Life - WesLi D
WALK OF LIFE from artist WesLi ‘Walk of Life’ is an enjoyable and upbeat track by WesLi D that presents themes of time and personal growth. The artist reflects on taking time to search and find himself throughout his journey in life as well as not letting his dreams pass him by. This track is relatable for the listener as it describes the growth and changes of a person travelling through life to figure themselves out.