Maren Montalbano - Adoramus Te, Christe (Lassus)
552 votes
Performed by Trio Eos ( Maren Montalbano, mezzo-soprano Jessica Beebe, soprano Michele Kennedy, soprano
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LaMusicaRompeFronteras - Flashmob de Mariachi en España
Disfruta este suceso único, de Jalisco para el Mundo, que se llevó acabo en La Plaza Mayor de Madrid, España. En la realización de este evento, participaron 11 integrantes del Mariachi Real de México, 23 Músicos de la Film Symphony Orchestra, la sección de metales y el director musical de Alejandro Fernandez, Nando Hernández quien hizo los arreglos y adaptaciones de las dos piezas que se interpretaron.
Fare Thee Well Lament - Kissing The Flint
Fare Thee Well Lament was written by Australian singer-songwriter Leah Chynoweth-Tidy aka Kissing The Flint and was nominated for Australian Celtic Song of the Year 2020. This beautiful track aches with Celtic imagery and explores a personally held belief that this life is not all we know and is certainly not the end. We are meant to meet those we love, again and again, somewhere and in some other time. There are also so many special places on Earth where the veil between worlds is gossamer thin.
Impossible Knots - Living Up Here With You
The track Living up here with you is featured on their 2020 EP Rainbows. The Ep included 4 tracks and was released in October. Check them out on their social media links: Impossible Knots | Facebook @ImpossibleKnots on Instagram @ImpossKnots on Twitter.
LaMusicaRompeFronteras - Flashmob de Mariachi en España
Disfruta este suceso único, de Jalisco para el Mundo, que se llevó acabo en La Plaza Mayor de Madrid, España. En la realización de este evento, participaron 11 integrantes del Mariachi Real de México, 23 Músicos de la Film Symphony Orchestra, la sección de metales y el director musical de Alejandro Fernandez, Nando Hernández quien hizo los arreglos y adaptaciones de las dos piezas que se interpretaron.
Fare Thee Well Lament - Kissing The Flint
Fare Thee Well Lament was written by Australian singer-songwriter Leah Chynoweth-Tidy aka Kissing The Flint and was nominated for Australian Celtic Song of the Year 2020. This beautiful track aches with Celtic imagery and explores a personally held belief that this life is not all we know and is certainly not the end. We are meant to meet those we love, again and again, somewhere and in some other time. There are also so many special places on Earth where the veil between worlds is gossamer thin.
Impossible Knots - Living Up Here With You
The track Living up here with you is featured on their 2020 EP Rainbows. The Ep included 4 tracks and was released in October. Check them out on their social media links: Impossible Knots | Facebook @ImpossibleKnots on Instagram @ImpossKnots on Twitter.