Passion Divine Inspiration Vol 2
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Window Washer, by Noosh Like Sploosh
Window Washer (Part 1), Mumbai/Dubai-based singer Noush Like Sploosh – we’re not sure where that name came from, but we’re sure it’s a great story – one of the most interesting artists knocking around any shore. She seems most happy wrapping her wry, playful lyrics (she’s a storyteller as much as a musician) in jangly guitar melodies and perky rhythms.
Window Washer, by Noosh Like Sploosh
Window Washer (Part 1), Mumbai/Dubai-based singer Noush Like Sploosh – we’re not sure where that name came from, but we’re sure it’s a great story – one of the most interesting artists knocking around any shore. She seems most happy wrapping her wry, playful lyrics (she’s a storyteller as much as a musician) in jangly guitar melodies and perky rhythms.