In our previous blog called, "Top Ten Tips on How to Promote your Music Independently" we suggested you get yourself PLAYLISTED.
Maybe we should have said, Build your own Playlist and then get yourself Playlisted. So what is the difference?
Building your own PLAYLIST is an easy way to boost the promotion of your own music, so why not give it a go. The video is 3 minutes long so I have taken the highlight. (Approx. 60 second read time)
- Start by creating your own public playlist filled with great music, and include your own tracks too.
- With a small amount of work you you could get a few hundred followers, it'll still help your chance of landing on other, bigger playlists.
- With a lot of work and fun, you could build your playlist to have thousands or even millions of followers over time.
- Discover Weekly algorithm takes EVERY playlist into account, no matter how small. The algorithms behind Discover Weekly find users who have built playlists featuring the songs and artists you love. It then goes through songs that a number of your kindred spirits have added to playlists but you haven't heard, knowing there is a good chance you might like them too.
- Ideally, you want to be uploading & submitting your tracks to playlists weeks in advance of your release. For example Spotify alone get 20,000 new tracks every day.
- Make sure you get your tags rights so you can be featured automatically and help the editors find you. No guarantee, but you need to start somewhere.
- Share your music on your own social media platforms to get on a playlist, stay on a playlist and grow your fanbase. Drive traffic from off platform, that means share your links everywhere. Post them on your socials, website and other channels.
- You can only submit one track per release, so if you're releasing an album or an EP, have a good think about which track is most likely to get picked by a playlist.
- Pitch your music to independent curators, if you are not sure how to do this, keep a eye out for our next blog.
- Try not to disheartened if you do not get thousands of followers straightaway, keep choosing music you love and keep adding to your playlist, be true to yourself, only add your favorite tracks and have some fun.
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