Jeeni Blog

Helping the next generation of talent to build a global fanbase

Richard Murray - 'Fire Sale' Album Review

/ By Doug Phillips
Richard Murray - 'Fire Sale' Album Review

With lush, full arrangements, creative use of instrumentation and authoritative vocal performances, Richard Murray’s newest album, ‘Fire Sale’ might just be his most impactful to date since his debut in 2007.  

Richard Murray is a Northern Irish singer and songwriter who specialises in expanding the pre-conceived ideas people have about country music. Richard pushes the country and western envelope by introducing alternative instruments, song writing approaches and mindsets. This record showcases all of these abilities to a tee and has really coloured-in Jeeni’s country channel.

A favourite of mine on this record is the fourth track, ‘Devils 2’. This a more contemplative and gentler moment in the album where Richard is putting his charismatic and gravelly voice to good use as he communicates an intense emotional yearning. Richard uses bongos as a part of the minimal, yet compelling percussion section along with a steady kick drum. The guitar parts here twinkle and shimmer alongside Richard’s crooning vocals as the two sections enhance each other. 

Hard Love’, while still acoustic, really harnesses a moody rock ballad tone with a forceful beat, and almost mumbling vocals from Richard. An impressive direction to take; ‘Hard Love’ does a great job in creating a deeper and richer overall flavour to ‘Fire Sale’. 

Towards the end of the album, Richard slightly showcases his Celtic heritage with ‘Sea Glass’. A fiddle doubles a jaunty guitar part in between the verses which creates a warm image of a rowdy and patriotic gathering. This track provides a last push in energy for this perfect campfire album, as its last moments wind the project down in an introspective and reflective fashion. 

The last track on ‘Fire Sale’, 'You Get Wise' acts as a sort of summary and reflection on the stellar tracks that have come before it. A Jeeni and Bandcamp exclusive, the closing track holds some of Richard’s most thoughtful and tender songwriting and performances, making it a perfect choice to sum up this exciting and heart-warming album. 

‘Fire Sale’ is a sentimentally tender project. At times, Richard is longing for home, where other times, he’s just walked through the door and celebrations have begun. The album has a real range in emotions, moods and sentiments and is a must listen for all country fans. 

How can Jeeni support artists like Richard Murray

JEENI is a multi-channel platform for original entertainment on demand. We’re a direct service between creatives and the global audience.  

• We give creatives, independent artists and performers a showcase for their talent and services. And they keep 100% of everything they make.  
• We empower our audience and reward them every step of the way.  
• We promise to treat our members ethically, fairly, honestly and with respect.  
• Access to artist liaison and a supportive marketing team. 

Check out Richard’s Jeeni showcase here:



So here we are, heading into our final day of this raise, and what would you expect us to do? Trumpet our success? There's no need to state the obvious. Beg for additional pledges? It's not our style to beg. Thank everybody from the bottom of our hearts? We've already done that. Leave it all up to you? It's always been left up to you. Let's help save the world instead. The United Nations report on climate change has issued "code red for humanity," and a roadmap has just been published for the music industry to lower carbon emissions and stop global destruction. The scientists responsible hope it will inspire millions of music fans to live more sustainably too. The report has taken two years of research data supplied by the band Massive Attack, and it recommends "super low carbon practices to deal with how musicians, promoters, tour managers and agents should work in order to keep the rise in global warming restricted to 1.5 degrees." Really? In which case there is one music organisation which has been putting every one of their recommendations into practice since the day it was founded. That's right, it's us! Here at Jeeni ... • No Team Jeeni members commute to work. We all work from home. • Team Jeeni members do not use private or public transport for any work operations. • All meetings, conferences, interviews and recordings are held online.  • We keep Jeeni offices carbon-neutral to the best of our ability, and they are completely paper-free. • Jeeni festivals and performances are all held online, and involve no audience transport whatsoever. • Our mission is to provide an ethical alternative for artists, audiences and investors. Always has been. Always will be. If what we are doing here at Jeeni strikes a chord with you and with yours and with what you believe in, then you know what to do. And there's one day left to do it. Check out our pitch here: With love, Team Jeeni


DarkStarGraver - 'Over The Bridge & Far Away' Album Review

If you had any familiarity with this Portsmouth rapper's refreshing and inventive brand of UK hip-hop, then it should be of no surprise that his newest album is as buoyant, animated and thought-out as it is. This is the first album DSG has released since becoming an integral part of the Jeeni mission. DarkStar has been an avid Jeenius since Summer last year and has been blessing the Jeeni database with vibrant and innovative artistry ever since. All seven tracks of this incredible project are on Jeeni right now. Jeeni is always looking to represent and uplift artists with visions as clear and focused as DarkStar. DarkStarGraver's biggest crime here is leaving us wanting for more content because although he's cohesively expressed a giant variety of emotions, styles and influences, he took just 18 minutes to do it! He justified the choice of a shorter album on Instagram, "New album is 7 tracks in total, could’ve been more but I like that number", DSG cleverly released this record knowing he has so much more in his artistic tank for the next project.  A clear highlight on this record is the early, consecutive killer features on ‘Running Man’ and ‘No Brainer’ from Kid Crayy and Baby Panna respectively. DSG takes the reigns on these tracks at first and allows his fellow Portsmouth MCs to embellish the final push and create a rememberable climax for these standout tracks. Kid Crayy's attacking flow is restless and constantly bops and weaves around the beat. Baby Panna, however takes his time and makes each syllable hit harder than the last. Panna also performs the ear-worm 'Ride with me' hooks just before and after his verse which just completes the track. DarkStar made it clear that “This project is dedicated to the Portsmouth Hip Hop scene” and made a specific mention to the Portsmouth artists that predate him and thanked them for “Sparking the fire that made me want to rep my hometown as an artist”. A meaningful dedication to a blossoming music scene is a suitable sentiment for such an excellently put together and varied album.  DSG uses his robust and adaptable voice so well on this project that at times, it sounds like extra, unlisted features. For example, a rather high-pitch singing voice for the hooks on ‘On My Way’ is then met with a deep and resonant rapped verse to finish off the short opening track. ‘Gohan’ (review) which was a single teaser for this album, features more of DarkStar’s contagious melodic rapping which is enhanced and made all the more effective with the excellent production of Zack Nailor at WRS Studios.  The hi-hats and 808 bass in the beat for ‘Juice & Gems’ works so well with the jangly acoustic guitar sample, as though they were always meant to be heard together. In fact, the entire album makes such an effective use of samples throughout; ‘Slow Jamz’ has a romantic and theatrical strings sample which turns the rapid, trap-esque beat into a dramatic, epic cut that is just too short. DarkStar also hints at a feral, almost growling voice on this track which provides yet more evidence that DSG will never settle or stop experimenting with what his voice can achieve.  The album ends with class and impact. ‘Over Time’ features a melodramatic female vocal sample which wails over a seductive lounge piano, sparkling under the rumbling beat. The bonus, shorter track, ‘Justice League’ is a moody album finisher containing reams of witty wordplay which flows like water.  Once again, a feat like this album is a credit to producer, Zack Nailor as well as DarkStar himself of course for containing the talent, passion and vision to pull something like this off so seamlessly.  How can Jeeni support artists like DarkStarGraver?   JEENI is a multi-channel platform for original entertainment on demand. We’re a direct service between creatives and the global audience.   • We give creatives, independent artists and performers a showcase for their talent and services. And they keep 100% of everything they make.  • We empower our audience and reward them every step of the way.  • We promise to treat our members ethically, fairly, honestly and with respect.  • Access to artist liaison and a supportive marketing team.  Check out DarkStarGraver’s Jeeni showcase here: 


Jeeni Employing with the Kickstart Scheme

As a fast growing new business, still in its exciting dewy youth, Jeeni are delighted to be employing with the Kickstart Scheme. Launched by Rishi Sunak in July 2020, employers need to be approved by the DWP and are incentivised to take on 16-24 year olds, at risk of long-term unemployment. Jeeni - working with the Kickstart Scheme The successful Kickstart candidates are taken on for a placement of 6 months, given training and support to create skills to help with ongoing permanent employment. The criteria for Kickstart means the jobs offered must be new positions, previously not available at the company. For Jeeni, it works perfectly, as the company is growing and expanding at a rapid rate, so these roles have evolved naturally. Being an online streaming platform, Jeeni is perfect for this particular age group. Their online skills and technical ability, are almost second nature to them. Currently, there are three positions available, Marketing Assistant, Partnership Co-ordinator, Project Manager and joining the team will see these new team players taking on the social media platforms and the partners who work alongside and support Jeeni, evolving the planned projects for 2021 and brainstorming ideas for 2022 and beyond. Jeeni is delighted to be employing and partnering with the Kickstart Scheme. The whole team are looking forward to welcoming the new members, and working alongside them to keep building the Jeeni brand and grow the platform for all the artists, performers, talent and their fans. For more information or to apply for any of the positions available, follow the link below.