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Excerpts from "The Spectrum of Adventure" (Part 7) by Thomas A. Christie
In this section: "Mindfighter" by Abstract Concepts for Activision UK (1988)Excerpts from "The Spectrum of Adventure" by Thomas A. ChristieThe Sinclair ZX Spectrum was one of the most popular home computers in British history, selling over five million units in its 1980s heyday.Amongst the thousands of titles released for the Spectrum during its lifetime, the text adventure game was to emerge as one of the most significant genres on the system.Covering 100 games in all, this book celebrates the Spectrum’s thriving interactive fiction scene of the eighties, chronicling the achievements of major publishers as well as independent developers from the machine’s launch in 1982 until the end of the decade in 1989."The Spectrum of Adventure" is Copyright ©2016 Thomas A. Christie, all rights reserved, and is published by Extremis Publishing Ltd.This title is available as a physical book from and all good online retailers and independent booksellers worldwide.
Life Like Charlie - My Heartbeat Jumps
Sofar Sounds connects artists and music-lovers around the world through intimate shows in unique venues. February 5, 2020 ___ Filmed by: ROPO FILMS - - Pavel Radu and Daniel Babusca Edited by: ROPO FILMS - - Pavel Radu and Daniel Babusca Audio by: ANVIL AUDIO - - Harry Wrigley, Ronnie Ciamponi & Matt Noades
Excerpts from "The Spectrum of Adventure" (Part 7) by Thomas A. Christie
In this section: "Mindfighter" by Abstract Concepts for Activision UK (1988)Excerpts from "The Spectrum of Adventure" by Thomas A. ChristieThe Sinclair ZX Spectrum was one of the most popular home computers in British history, selling over five million units in its 1980s heyday.Amongst the thousands of titles released for the Spectrum during its lifetime, the text adventure game was to emerge as one of the most significant genres on the system.Covering 100 games in all, this book celebrates the Spectrum’s thriving interactive fiction scene of the eighties, chronicling the achievements of major publishers as well as independent developers from the machine’s launch in 1982 until the end of the decade in 1989."The Spectrum of Adventure" is Copyright ©2016 Thomas A. Christie, all rights reserved, and is published by Extremis Publishing Ltd.This title is available as a physical book from and all good online retailers and independent booksellers worldwide.
Life Like Charlie - My Heartbeat Jumps
Sofar Sounds connects artists and music-lovers around the world through intimate shows in unique venues. February 5, 2020 ___ Filmed by: ROPO FILMS - - Pavel Radu and Daniel Babusca Edited by: ROPO FILMS - - Pavel Radu and Daniel Babusca Audio by: ANVIL AUDIO - - Harry Wrigley, Ronnie Ciamponi & Matt Noades