Crazy, by Nolan
189 votes

Nolan performs his original protest song Crazy

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Christmas Sweaters
Christmas Sweaters

Tom Christie and Santa Joe Moore welcome you to "Traditionally Speaking", all things Christmas on both sides of the Atlantic. Christmas Lights. Copyright © Tom Christie and Joe Moore, all rights reserved. Christmas Sweaters.

Kristie Sue - Is It Jesus?
Kristie Sue - Is It Jesus?

This is a song I threw together really fast because I liked the line "Every time I hear the thunder, I wonder, is it Jesus?" :)

Never Let Bastards Grind You Down - Average Joe (Sneaky)
Never Let Bastards Grind You Down - Average Joe (Sneaky)

NEVER LET BASTARDS GRIND YOU DOWN from artist Average Joe (Sneaky). 'Never Let Bastards Grind You Down' released 8 October 2021. Am Joseph aged 33 from Zambia in Africa. I have a strong passion for making music. Most of my fans say that my music is unique, let's say am just a BADASS from Pluto when it comes to making music.

RD Watson - the Voice of Diablo
RD Watson - the Voice of Diablo

RD Watson - the Voice of Diablo Roger is a Grammy nominated record producer and former record executive turned full-time voiceover actor. When he was 16 he met the Beatles at his school concert and was the lead singer of a school band which led to joining the record business on Monday & meeting the Rolling Stones on Friday!

Christmas Sweaters
Christmas Sweaters

Tom Christie and Santa Joe Moore welcome you to "Traditionally Speaking", all things Christmas on both sides of the Atlantic. Christmas Lights. Copyright © Tom Christie and Joe Moore, all rights reserved. Christmas Sweaters.

Kristie Sue - Is It Jesus?
Kristie Sue - Is It Jesus?

This is a song I threw together really fast because I liked the line "Every time I hear the thunder, I wonder, is it Jesus?" :)

Never Let Bastards Grind You Down - Average Joe (Sneaky)
Never Let Bastards Grind You Down - Average Joe (Sneaky)

NEVER LET BASTARDS GRIND YOU DOWN from artist Average Joe (Sneaky). 'Never Let Bastards Grind You Down' released 8 October 2021. Am Joseph aged 33 from Zambia in Africa. I have a strong passion for making music. Most of my fans say that my music is unique, let's say am just a BADASS from Pluto when it comes to making music.

RD Watson - the Voice of Diablo
RD Watson - the Voice of Diablo

RD Watson - the Voice of Diablo Roger is a Grammy nominated record producer and former record executive turned full-time voiceover actor. When he was 16 he met the Beatles at his school concert and was the lead singer of a school band which led to joining the record business on Monday & meeting the Rolling Stones on Friday!