Frictions, composed and performed by Tess Tyler
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Frictions, by Tess Tyler, prsented by l'Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs
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Banjo Set - Flashpoint | Cairde (Cliffs Of Moher)
Cairde is a group of male Irish dancers who have recently become known for their tiktok videos where they actively post their modern version of Irish dancing to trending music. Instagram: _cairde Facebook: cairde Twitter: cairde TikTok: _cairde
Banjo Set - Flashpoint | Cairde (Cliffs Of Moher)
Cairde is a group of male Irish dancers who have recently become known for their tiktok videos where they actively post their modern version of Irish dancing to trending music. Instagram: _cairde Facebook: cairde Twitter: cairde TikTok: _cairde