Godzilla, by sub9k, produced by Gosuto
2469 votes
Godzilla, Subzilla by sub9k, produced by Gosuto
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HurricaneMitchSongs - You're Not As Ugly As You Look (original comedy song)
You're not as ugly as you look. Hurricane Mitch. Funny original song. CHORUS: You're not as ugly as you look my dear / don't feel so bad when you look in the mirror / things aren't always as they first appear / and you're not as ugly as you look my dear
HurricaneMitchSongs - You're Not As Ugly As You Look (original comedy song)
You're not as ugly as you look. Hurricane Mitch. Funny original song. CHORUS: You're not as ugly as you look my dear / don't feel so bad when you look in the mirror / things aren't always as they first appear / and you're not as ugly as you look my dear