Keep Pushing Along - My Original Gospel Song
753 votes

So this original song, we sang and filmed all in one take. Have a blessed day, don't give up, don't give in... Have Faith and Keep Pushing Along! XXX 'Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.' Deuteronomy 31:6

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Uncle Jeff - "mean old moon"
Uncle Jeff - "mean old moon"

This one's been sittin' around for awhile. Happy new year!

World on Lockdown - Original Song
World on Lockdown - Original Song

This brilliant piece has aptly captured the ins and outs of the Covid19 story to date. Commendably, there are numerous artistes who have ably used their musical expertise to relate the Covid19 story in a manner that is not only informative, but is also very entertaining. Flasha has shown this flare in World on Lockdown. Interestingly, he makes reference to a spiritual element that suggests someone greater than human beings, is still in control.

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Soundcloud - Instagram - Catch my new single "Caught Up" -

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bin tere - king idr

It is song of just three things(music,lyrics and vocals) Singer - King IDR

Uncle Jeff - "mean old moon"
Uncle Jeff - "mean old moon"

This one's been sittin' around for awhile. Happy new year!

World on Lockdown - Original Song
World on Lockdown - Original Song

This brilliant piece has aptly captured the ins and outs of the Covid19 story to date. Commendably, there are numerous artistes who have ably used their musical expertise to relate the Covid19 story in a manner that is not only informative, but is also very entertaining. Flasha has shown this flare in World on Lockdown. Interestingly, he makes reference to a spiritual element that suggests someone greater than human beings, is still in control.

Vikram T - Casual (Acoustic)
Vikram T - Casual (Acoustic)

Soundcloud - Instagram - Catch my new single "Caught Up" -

bin tere - king idr
bin tere - king idr

It is song of just three things(music,lyrics and vocals) Singer - King IDR