"The Property Line" by Tony Harrell (Original Short Story)
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Tony Harrell (Original Short Story)
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Ghetto - Average Joe (Sneaky) feat. MChris 107
GHETTO from artist Average Joe (Sneaky) featuring MChris 107. 'Ghetto' released 15 December 2020. Am Joseph aged 33 from Zambia in Africa. I have a strong passion for making music. Most of my fans say that my music is unique, let's say am just a BADASS from Pluto when it comes to making music.
Ana Vidovic - 'Capricho Arabe'
Classical guitar child prodigy, Ana Vidovic plays 'Carpricho Arabe' by Francisco Tarrega. A beautiful, atmospheric piece showing off the Croatian's skills at their best. Her fingers hardly seem to touch the strings?! #anavidovic #franciscotarrega #croatia #childprodigy #spain #spanishguitar #classical #classicalguitar #jeeni #music #musician #independent #musicvideo #soloinstrumental #musicfest #community #talent #unsigned #creatives #fans #superfans
Figurines Of Glass - The Day of the Rabblement
Fantastic original song called 'Figurines of Glass' by The Day of the Rabblement which was Recorded live at The Wine Vaults, Southsea. This song was created back when the group made music of the folk and acoustic style which they have developed from now but this song is still so great! The five-piece band is made up of talented and creative musicians and singers especially their female lead singer - Khaleda Brophy-Harmer. Each member of the Portsmouth based band play their own instruments on all of the songs which typically is a form of guitar .
Ghetto - Average Joe (Sneaky) feat. MChris 107
GHETTO from artist Average Joe (Sneaky) featuring MChris 107. 'Ghetto' released 15 December 2020. Am Joseph aged 33 from Zambia in Africa. I have a strong passion for making music. Most of my fans say that my music is unique, let's say am just a BADASS from Pluto when it comes to making music.
Ana Vidovic - 'Capricho Arabe'
Classical guitar child prodigy, Ana Vidovic plays 'Carpricho Arabe' by Francisco Tarrega. A beautiful, atmospheric piece showing off the Croatian's skills at their best. Her fingers hardly seem to touch the strings?! #anavidovic #franciscotarrega #croatia #childprodigy #spain #spanishguitar #classical #classicalguitar #jeeni #music #musician #independent #musicvideo #soloinstrumental #musicfest #community #talent #unsigned #creatives #fans #superfans
Figurines Of Glass - The Day of the Rabblement
Fantastic original song called 'Figurines of Glass' by The Day of the Rabblement which was Recorded live at The Wine Vaults, Southsea. This song was created back when the group made music of the folk and acoustic style which they have developed from now but this song is still so great! The five-piece band is made up of talented and creative musicians and singers especially their female lead singer - Khaleda Brophy-Harmer. Each member of the Portsmouth based band play their own instruments on all of the songs which typically is a form of guitar .