RD Watson - The English Voiceover for TV commercials
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RD Watson - The English Voiceover for TV commercials Roger is a Grammy nominated record producer and former record executive turned full-time voiceover actor. When he was 16 he met the Beatles at his school concert and was the lead singer of a school band which led to joining the record business on Monday & meeting the Rolling Stones on Friday!

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Maggie Cassidy - D.E.A.D!
Maggie Cassidy - D.E.A.D!

'D.E.A.D!', the new single from Maggie Cassidy. Join CLUB CASSIDY: Website: https://www.whoismaggiecassidy.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whoismaggiec... Twitter: https://twitter.com/whoismaggiec Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whoismaggie. // Lyrics // Tell me why this isn’t easy? Tell me why this isn’t fun? Just keep your heads down and they’ll feed you the noise. (Sign on) Why do we pay for a hollow joy? Why do we stick to screens and destroy? Dead! (I’m dead!) This is life locked in my head, This is the existential dread, I’m dreaming. Dead! (I’m dead!) I think this has to be the end, Done with pressure, Done with friends, I’m screaming.

DarkStarGraver - Juice & Gemz
DarkStarGraver - Juice & Gemz

This is the penultimate track from DarkStarGraver's new album, 'Over The Bridge & Far Away'.

What's Up - Massiah Sessions
What's Up - Massiah Sessions

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Citi Boy x P@$$i0n - Therapy
Citi Boy x P@$$i0n - Therapy

#newmusic #2020 #trap #hiphop #thearpy #florida #hardrockcasino #hollywood #passiononthebeatbaby#jeeni #music #musicians #entertainer #ethical #honest #fair #independent #performers #artists #community #talent #unsigned #creatives #fans #superfans #covid #earn #pay #paid

Maggie Cassidy - D.E.A.D!
Maggie Cassidy - D.E.A.D!

'D.E.A.D!', the new single from Maggie Cassidy. Join CLUB CASSIDY: Website: https://www.whoismaggiecassidy.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whoismaggiec... Twitter: https://twitter.com/whoismaggiec Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whoismaggie. // Lyrics // Tell me why this isn’t easy? Tell me why this isn’t fun? Just keep your heads down and they’ll feed you the noise. (Sign on) Why do we pay for a hollow joy? Why do we stick to screens and destroy? Dead! (I’m dead!) This is life locked in my head, This is the existential dread, I’m dreaming. Dead! (I’m dead!) I think this has to be the end, Done with pressure, Done with friends, I’m screaming.

DarkStarGraver - Juice & Gemz
DarkStarGraver - Juice & Gemz

This is the penultimate track from DarkStarGraver's new album, 'Over The Bridge & Far Away'.

What's Up - Massiah Sessions
What's Up - Massiah Sessions

If you enjoy this, please subscribe for more. http://zeeteah.com

Citi Boy x P@$$i0n - Therapy
Citi Boy x P@$$i0n - Therapy

#newmusic #2020 #trap #hiphop #thearpy #florida #hardrockcasino #hollywood #passiononthebeatbaby#jeeni #music #musicians #entertainer #ethical #honest #fair #independent #performers #artists #community #talent #unsigned #creatives #fans #superfans #covid #earn #pay #paid