Terry Chapman - Over Love (original)
895 votes

An original barbershop tag .. Sheet music can be found at http://www.barbershoptags.com/tag-203...

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Charles Gosme - Cello in a Rush (original)
Charles Gosme - Cello in a Rush (original)

These key words help fans find my video using the smart search. I should include things like the track title, artist name, background, location, music styles, influences, and production credits.

Longfellow's classic Christmas poem,
Longfellow's classic Christmas poem, "Christmas Bells". Read by Thomas A. Christie.

Classic Christmas Poetry. "Christmas Bells" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Read by Thomas A. Christie

Jimbo Slice - Just Let It Breathe
Jimbo Slice - Just Let It Breathe

These key words help fans find my video using the smart search. I should include things like the track title, artist name, background, location, music styles, influences, and production credits.

Toby Stannard | Kay - Be In My Positon
Toby Stannard | Kay - Be In My Positon

Facebook: Toby Stannard Twitter: @Tobystannard_ Instagram: tobystannard Filming and Editing Isaac Farmer Twitter: @IsaacFarmerr Instagram: isaacfarmerr

Charles Gosme - Cello in a Rush (original)
Charles Gosme - Cello in a Rush (original)

These key words help fans find my video using the smart search. I should include things like the track title, artist name, background, location, music styles, influences, and production credits.

Longfellow's classic Christmas poem,
Longfellow's classic Christmas poem, "Christmas Bells". Read by Thomas A. Christie.

Classic Christmas Poetry. "Christmas Bells" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Read by Thomas A. Christie

Jimbo Slice - Just Let It Breathe
Jimbo Slice - Just Let It Breathe

These key words help fans find my video using the smart search. I should include things like the track title, artist name, background, location, music styles, influences, and production credits.

Toby Stannard | Kay - Be In My Positon
Toby Stannard | Kay - Be In My Positon

Facebook: Toby Stannard Twitter: @Tobystannard_ Instagram: tobystannard Filming and Editing Isaac Farmer Twitter: @IsaacFarmerr Instagram: isaacfarmerr