We are really looking forward to joining Tony Klinger and his team at Give-Get-Go in launching their new mini talks. They are informative and fun and we want all our members to have the opportunity to join in.
Tony told us that, "During these difficult and dangerous times our businesses and our personal lives are disturbed and might well be hurting. We are in the creative industries so we thought let's be creative. Instead of thinking about what later advantage we might gain, for which there will still be time later, we should be thinking of what we can do for each other.
To that end we at www.give-get-go.com will be giving our HINTS AND TIPS mini talks to everyone in the creative industry, and it is free to all comers starting at the end of this week and continuing for the duration of the emergency.
Don't expect anything fancy, but the information will be useful to anyone with aims and ambitions in this industry and for all creative people looking for ways to make it pay for them after the virus.
Who knows, our HINTS AND TIPS might be useful to you and we will do our best to make them interesting. We aim to start with a pre-recorded brief introduction this Friday at 5pm UK time. We will be introducing our subject and ourselves and I might even shave beforehand!
HINTS AND TIPS talks start this Friday 17 April 2020 at 5 pm UK time On social media under the name Tony Klinger."