When U Doin Bad by Chris Yharte (feat. DJ DADDY BR3YLO)
These key words help fans find my video using the smart search. I should include things like the track title, artist name, background, location, music styles, influences, and production credits.
El Tango de Roxanne ( String Quartet ) ft. Buriel
The scores of this session can be found on our website: http://sesionescapitales.com
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When U Doin Bad by Chris Yharte (feat. DJ DADDY BR3YLO)
These key words help fans find my video using the smart search. I should include things like the track title, artist name, background, location, music styles, influences, and production credits.
El Tango de Roxanne ( String Quartet ) ft. Buriel
The scores of this session can be found on our website: http://sesionescapitales.com